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Let's Share a CUP OF JOE

Connect with Story

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Hey There!  

I started Cup of Joe with the goal of offering readers a glimpse into my thoughts and experiences. We all possess our own stories and here, from time to time I'll share mine, along with a personal observation or two.

I imagine stories will tend to cover areas that bring me, and hopefully you, joy and meaning...such as:  Food, Wine, Family, Friendship, Faith, Golf, Music and pretty much everything else that causes us to think more deeply and appreciate more passionately. 

The world is designed (purely by happenstance... lol), in ways to ensure our eyes and ears are filled with the tragedy du jour, or who we should see as enemy.  We deserve better, no?  We were created for better, of that I am 100% certain! 

On occasion, I'd love to share your story too!  Take some time to explore the blog and become curious...more introspective...maybe more at peace. Read on and enjoy!

Our stories hold unique inspiration for one another...

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